First Environ Facial requires a 20-minute consultation followed by an Express 30-minute Facial 1 hour $90
Facials following the consultation are individually customised along with prescribed home care regime. Facials include a combination of Vitamins A, C, E and antioxidants along with active ingredients that begin to bring the skin back to “normal”.
1 Hour Facial from $105
Followed from the consultation, an individual facial using Environ peels, serums and other active ingredients are used in accordance to your individual skin needs. Milia and comedone extractions can be performed here.
30 Minute Express Facial $70
Great if you just need a quick boost of vitamins but your calendar doesn’t allow an hour. Put your feet up and relax, I’ll take care of the rest.
DF Ionzyme Infused Treatment Facial $160
Using Sonophoresis and Iontophoresis technology to infuse essential vitamins and other active ingredients right to the dermas. This is where the magic happens.
Add LED Light Therapy to any facial for – 20 minutes $20